Autopro also uses cookies:

This ensures that you can surf more easily, and that you do not have to enter the same information every time. These cookies also provide us with information to improve our sites (surfing behavior), but that information is anonymous. Accepting cookies is necessary to use the site optimally. If you don’t, the site can sometimes look strange …

We use the following cookies:

-Google Analytics (analytical cookies): these provide us with information about the surfing behavior of visitors (anonymous). With this we see which pages are visited, which less, so we can improve our site for you as visitors. Google does not share anonymous information from your visits to third parties. Google’s cookies are deleted after a maximum of 2 years.
You can also delete the cookies in your browser if you wish: this can be done in the settings of your browser, by clearing your history. Please note, for example, you will have to re-enter your passwords in all websites, and reset language options.